The Ohio Valley Construction Employers Council (OVCEC) is a multi-employer contractors’ trade association consisting of member firms engaged in the construction industry. Organized in the 1940’s as the Ohio Valley Builders Exchange, the organization grew out of a conviction among a group of astute, farsighted contractors that industry objectives can best be attained by team work and cooperation.
Restructured in 1973 as an amalgamation of various local contractor associations in the Valley, the OVCEC represents all facets of the construction industry.
The OVCEC espouses the concept, “Total Management Unity” and within that framework is affiliated with the International Builders Exchange Executives, an organization comprised of more than 30,000 construction firms in the U. S. alone; the West Virginia Construction Council; the National Construction Employers Council (NCEC); and The Association of Union Constructors (TAUC). Close liaison with tri-state sister associations serve to further develop the organization’s regional coverage of West Virginia, Southeastern Ohio, and portions of Western Pennsylvania.
The Ohio Valley Construction Employers Council is dedicated to the advancement of the construction industry and the protection of its members and the general public.